The End of Greed

The end of Surveillance Media

If you came across this information, you probably asked yourself one or more of the following questions from time to time:

  • Why does the state of the world seem to get worse and worse?

  • Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

  • Why do we keep going at war with each other?

  • Why do corporations rape and plunder the planet for resources many times faster than they can regenerate?

  • Why are we polluting our biosphere so much when we can recycle everything?

  • Does nobody care that we turned the ocean into a plastic & chemicals soup?

  • Does nobody care that the coral reefs are almost dead?

  • Does nobody care that the great forests that took millions of years to evolve are cut down and turned into pizza boxes and flyers used to advertise unhealthy food?

In order to get the answers, we invite you to imagine a world where greed was replaced by gratitude at a societal level and at an online digital level.

You see, the bad news is that most people are not able to answer these questions because they never actually tried to do it. That would take years and years of research dedication and resources which most people don't have.

Everything is connected to our species level consensus about money. The answers are found in understanding who creates money on the planet and how they are distributed and regulated.

Last updated