Straight to the BiiP

Upgrading web 1 and web 2 solutions to web 3, for free.

BiiP presents a vision for a decentralized identity and finance system built on blockchain technology. It aims to address issues related to centralized online authentication, data privacy, financial accessibility, and value transfer. By leveraging blockchain technology, BiiP seeks to provide a secure and transparent protocol where users can manage their identities, personal data, and financial transactions.

One of the key aspects of BiiP is the integration of identity and finance into a single blockchain account. This approach eliminates the need for multiple passwords and centralized databases, offering a more streamlined and secure authentication process. Instead of relying on traditional identifiers like email addresses or SIM cards, BiiP proposes the use of a unique blockchain username. This username serves as a representation of the user's identity and also facilitates financial transactions and interactions within the system.

By combining identity and finance in a decentralized manner, BiiP aims to empower individuals by giving them control and security over their personal information and assets and developers or businesses by reducing their development costs and web infrastructure risks.

It strives to provide a means for people without access to modern online services, banking, or government-issued identification to participate in digital transactions and economic activities. Through BiiP, individuals can interact with others, make payments, and store value without the need for fees, contracts, or intermediaries.

Furthermore, BiiP envisions a value transfer system that extends beyond traditional financial transactions. It proposes attaching currency to the exchange of information online, allowing for a gratitude-based flow of energy and information. By enabling users to become their own banks and payment service providers, BiiP aims to foster a more equitable distribution of value and eliminate the need for traditional advertising models. It also emphasizes the potential for crowd funding and universal exposure through the integration of the GRAT token.

Overall, BiiP aims to create a decentralized ecosystem that redefines the relationship between individuals, corporations, and digital services. It seeks to empower users, protect their identities and assets, and promote a free and progressive future for humanity. By leveraging blockchain technology and proposing an inclusive and open-source operational model, BiiP hopes to contribute to the decentralization of value and the protection of individual freedoms in the digital world.

Decentralized πŸ‘€User Management Model

BiiP is based on DUMM, a decentralized user management model based on identifying 3 essential needs/requirements for any web project of any business/community, both today and also in the age of Web 3 and IoT (Internet of Things):

  1. Identity/User management

  2. 2way communication

  3. 2way financial transactions

D.U.M.M. - Decentralized User Management Model
D.U.M.M. - Decentralized User Management Model

Last updated