Show your appreciation, give a token of Gratitude.

β€’ We want to live in a world where people will send each other tokens of gratitude through simple likes, they won't just be a vanity token anymore.

β€’ We want to give others tokens of gratitude for sharing our content, for providing exposure to other networks of followers.

GRATITUDE – Is truly the most amazing discovery you can make in your entire life.

Gratitude is not just any word, it's a very high frequency state of being, and if we use it in our initiatives it has the power to enlighten humanity and create a space of collaboration, joy and unconditional love, instead of competition, survival and greed.

We can empower each other sending these tokens to one another. If everything we do online is powered by Gratitude, the world will see progress like no other time in history. The internet will become decentralized and our way of evaluating and distributing value will change: from survival and hoarding to a shared economy and the internet of things. We will no longer exist just to survive, or to compete, we will exist to create and discover. We will know more joy and less fear.

It's so easy to miss this life changing state of heart and mind in our 21st century normal.

β€œ21st century normal - a fibrillating anxious state from an overactive ego, stemming from a misfiring default mode network which is the auto-biographical mind […]” – Jason Silva

Must watch: Ego Death video below or here: Ego Death video

Greed is never stopping to enjoy what you've got for a while, daily.

Gratitude is never stopping from enjoying what you've got for a while, daily.

Do you see the difference?

Gratitude allows us to be in perfect clarity and control over every moment of our lives.

Birth and death don't happen just once. Every day you are reborn or remain who you were yesterday. Your success depends on how much gratitude you have for your life. Practice it, witness miracles in your life.

To the grateful eyes, life is wonderful. To the ungrateful eyes, life is misery.

Gratitude represents the effortless daily ritualized surrender, which is like a gentle ego death, with the extra benefit that, compared to a total Ego Death where you actually β€œlose consciousness” (or should I say: return to the source and then come back), gratitude is painless, it's free and the results over time are way better and more persistent.

Why Gratitude?

An example from my personal life:

For years I've been criticizing my parents and questioning them as to why they are incapable of fixing or getting an electrician to fix their power outlets and lighting.

They had one light bulb that they carry from room to room and extension cords they moved from room to room, hanging them in the most inconvenient ways around the house.

I was unable to understand, year after year when I visited them, why they cannot fix this one simple but very important thing in the environment in which they dwell, in their home.

I was ungrateful for their behavior and frankly, even though I love my parents, I didn't think spending a few hours to fix this problem was worth my time. I was unwilling to accept that they are so caught up with life and work and the constant conflicts and traumas that they have in their relationship, that they didn't see the benefits of doing these simple fixes or were not in the right emotional state to be able to take care of themselves.

I realized after becoming more grateful for my life, for my parents giving me life and raising me as best they could, that if they were capable of doing it, they would have done it. But they were not, so I had to at least do this thing for them.

So that's what I did, I just looked at the problem through the lens of Gratitude (Thank you Mother and Father for doing your best with me, let me show you how much it means to me), instead of looking at the problem through the lens of Greed (I don't have time for this, my time is mine alone).

And so, I showed them my appreciation by fixing the power outlets and lights in their house.

This simple act of caring had an amazing impact on them. It made them feel a little better about their life and motivated them to fix other things around the house.

Now they are taking care of the house, and their spirit is so much better, they enjoy life more and I enjoy talking to them more and the old conversations about these types of problems are gone. And all I had to do, is switch from Greed to Gratitude and invest a few hours of my time and a few units of local currency.

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